EHS wins ‘Postcards from the Pandemic’ prize
The real reward for the Environment, Health and Safety team was creating therapeutic art about their pandemic experiences.
The real reward for the Environment, Health and Safety team was creating therapeutic art about their pandemic experiences.
Due to the significant increase in the volume of calls to the University Employee Occupational Health Clinic (UEOHC), employees are to follow the current CDC guidance (as of January 9, 2022). Please note that UEOHC staff will be prioritizing critical healthcare employees.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to fulfill OSHA ETS for healthcare requirements, UNC-Chapel Hill has developed a COVID-19 Safety Plan to be used in addition to previously implemented policies, trainings, recordkeeping, and reporting procedures.
Here’s what Carolina’s frontline essential workers need to know about their next steps to getting a COVID-19 vaccination.
EHS is partnering with the Orange County Health Department and OptumServe for a new COVID-19 testing site at the R7 Parking Lot (725 Martin Luther King Blvd., Chapel Hill) starting Mon., Nov. 16.
The University is partnering with the Orange County Health Department to offer employee COVID-19 testing clinics.
The University is partnering with the Orange County Health Department to offer employee COVID-19 testing clinics.
The University is partnering with the Orange County Health Department to offer employee COVID-19 testing clinics.
Today we are sharing new travel restrictions and guidance, as well as updates on the University’s planning efforts for COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus.
We are sharing new travel restrictions and guidance for students, faculty and staff so that we all can take responsible, proactive steps to help protect members of our campus community and mitigate the potential impact to our campus.