Environmental Remediation
Unusual dark streaks and layers in the soil were discovered in June 2010 during excavation for the construction of a new storage building on the southeast portion of the site, near the gravel section of McCauley Street. Tests of the suspect material confirmed the presence of coal combustion byproducts (CCBs) in the soil, and the University notified DEQ of the situation in July 2010. The suspect soil in the building footprint was excavated and sent to a permitted landfill so that construction of the warehouse could be completed. UNC-Chapel Hill submitted the required site cleanup questionnaire to DEQ, and DEQ determined that the site was of low risk and could be voluntarily remediated under the REC program.
Further review of historical records determined that the CCBs were not new but dated back 50 or 60 years to the original coal-fired plant. At that time, CCBs accumulated on site as part of standard power station operations. CCBs from the present Facility meet current regulatory standards and are removed from the site to be recycled.
Although the suspect soil has been excavated and sent to a landfill, UNC-Chapel Hill volunteered to investigate and evaluate potential CCB impacts associated with historical operations at the Facility.
To participate in the REC program, in 2013 UNC-Chapel Hill hired Geosyntec Consultants, an environmental consulting firm, to oversee the investigation and remediation work in compliance with the REC program regulations.
REC activities are conducted under the guidance of a Registered Site Manager (RSM) who has been approved by DEQ to guide responsible parties through the REC program. Eric Nesbit, P.E., of Geosyntec serves as the RSM for the project. He is a Senior Principal Environmental Engineer with 25 years of program management experience executing environmental remediation actions, removal actions and remedial construction projects.
- UNC-Chapel Hill Cogen Facility Soil Assessment Report (08/31/2010)
- UNC-Chapel Hill Notification to NCDENR of an Inactive Hazardous Substance or Waste Disposal Site Letter (09/03/2010)
- NCDENR Notice of Regulatory Requirements for Containment Assessment and Cleanup (09/09/2010)
- UNC-Chapel Hill Site Cleanup Questionnaire Submitted to NCDENR (11/12/2010)
- NCDENR Notice of REC Program Eligibility (11/17/2010)
- UNC-Chapel Hill Response to NCDENR Notice of REC Program Eligibility (01/04/2011)
- NCDENR Notice of REC Program Eligibility – Time Extension (01/04/2011)
- NCDENR Telephone Log Regarding Additional Time Extension (04/12/2011)
- UNC-Chapel Hill Request for Additional Time Extension (04/15/2011)
- NCDENR Response to UNC-Chapel Hill Time Extension Request (05/04/2011)
- UNC-Chapel Hill Cogen Facility – Initial Abatement and Groundwater Assessment Report (07/20/2011)
- UNC-Chapel Hill REC Administrative Agreement (03/05/2013)
- NCDENR Executed REC Administrative Agreement with Transmittal Letters (05/29/2013)
- Workplan for Remedial Investigation (10/17/2013)
- Workplan Addendum for Interim Measures (03/30/2015)
- Remedial Investigation Report (05/27/2016)
In October 2020, DEQ provided a rule change regarding quarterly reporting. Section .0306(c) requires an Annual Update Report which replaces the quarterly update status reports formerly required.
- Q1 2014 (04/14/2014)
- Q2 2014 with a Work Plan addendum (07/15/2014)
- Q3 2014 (10/10/2014)
- Q4 2014 (01/15/2015)
- Q3 2013 (10/07/2013)
- Soil Remediation Action Plan (04/17/2023)
- Groundwater Remedial Action Plan (03/28/2018)
- Sediment/Surface Water Screening Report (10/5/2015)
- NCDEQ REC Work-Phase Audit Letter (09/05/2017)
- NCDEQ Cogen Audit (03/27/2020)
- UNC-Chapel Hill Cogen Audit – Final Response from NCDEQ (05/08/2020)
- Preconstruction Report: Source Remedy
- Appendix D
- Table 2-1: Summary of Soil Analytical Results
- Lecture Bottle Technical Evaluation
- Health and Safety Plan – Addendum 1: Lecture Bottle Sized Cylinder Evaluation and Handling Procedures
- Health and Safety Plan – Addendum 2: Potential Exposures to Radiological Wastes
For more information, please contact:
Cathy Brennan, Director
Department of Environment, Health & Safety
University of North Carolina
1120 Estes Drive Extension, CB #1650
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
919-962-5507; 919-962-0227 (fax)
Email contact
Events of 2008-2010
For many years, with only one building on site, the University used the Bingham Facility primarily for research support, swing space and overflow space. In 2008, the University adopted a long-range plan that had, at the time, a goal of consolidating preclinical research space used in blood and muscular dystrophy research and cardiovascular research into expanded facilities at the Bingham location. Toward that end, UNC-Chapel Hill installed a second wastewater treatment system and constructed a second research building for large preclinical models for human disease, with plans for four more buildings subject to securing adequate funds.
In 2009, a series of problems occurred at the facility, including a leak from a large holding pond that allowed some highly treated wastewater to reach a tributary of Collins Creek. The N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) issued two violations for the incidents. The violations were for the method of discharge (leaking into the ground instead of being spray irrigated); they were not for contamination of the environment. Test samples taken from the monitoring wells on the site as well as the drinking water wells at the facility and at an adjoining property owned by the University have shown no pattern of contamination. The University stopped treating wastewater on site in late 2009 and instead began pumping and hauling untreated wastewater directly to OWASA for treatment.
The problems with the wastewater treatment coincided with substantial state budget cuts to the University, and the senior leadership at the University was faced with some difficult choices that ultimately led to cancellation of the expansion plans. The University had obtained funding for a third building, and it was already under construction. In the summer of 2010, The National Institutes of Health awarded UNC-Chapel Hill a $14.5 million grant from Recovery Act funds for the construction of buildings 4 and 5. However, there were no funds for building 6, and engineering studies indicated that the waste water treatment system installed in 2008—which had already been cited twice by DENR—could not accommodate the waste water that would have been produced from the operation of five buildings. UNC-Chapel Hill could not construct buildings 4 and 5 without investing many millions of dollars more to upgrade infrastructure at the facility. After a careful analysis, School of Medicine Dean William Roper decided to relinquish the $14.5 million grant from the National Institutes of Health and to cancel further expansion.
In February 2010, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research Bob Lowman was appointed to oversee the rehabilitation of the Bingham Facility and to establish an ongoing dialogue with the facility’s neighbors and with representatives of Preserve Rural Orange, an advocacy group in rural Orange County. He also led the effort to modify UNC-Chapel Hill’s existing wastewater treatment permit from DENR and mitigate any damage done to existing wetlands.
Lowman initiated several changes to reduce water usage and wastewater generation at the Bingham Facility. The original permitted wastewater treatment system (the one with no DENR violations) has now been refurbished and the newer failed system completely removed. Instead of plastic liners, the holding ponds have now been lined with clay, which meets requirements for the final soil filtration step of treatment. DENR approved a permit modification allowing these changes. Construction to implement these changes was completed by the middle of 2014.
- Water Quality Permit: October 1, 2020 through November 30, 2026
- Bingham Facility Organizational Structure
- DENR Wastewater Irrigation System Permit
- Bingham site plan (Nov. 2013)
- USDA inspection report
- Closure report for incinerator (2010)
- Potable water supply well testing results (2010)
- Presentation to Environmental Review Commission
- Feb. 27, 2015: UNC-Chapel Hill Bingham Facility 2014 Annual Report
- Feb. 20, 2015: UNC-Chapel Hill Bingham Facility Non-Discharge System Renewal
- Mar. 26, 2014: Pump and haul modification
- Mar. 26, 2014: Pump and haul modification cover letter
- Mar. 14, 2014: Notice to DENR about storage tank
- Feb. 7, 2014: Wetland restoration
- Dec. 6, 2013: Updated pump and haul permit
- Sept 9, 2013: UNC-Chapel Hill project schedule
- Sept. 6, 2013: UNC-Chapel Hill notification of leak from damaged pipe
- July 10, 2013: UNC-Chapel Hill request for closure of air permit
- April 12, 2013: DENR Wastewater Irrigation System Permit
- Jan 31, 2013: DENR waste water treatment application
- Dec. 6, 2012: DENR request for additional information
- Dec. 6, 2012: DWQ Hearing Officer Report
- Sept. 4, 2012: Updated Environmental Assessment for Bingham Facility
- Aug. 30, 2012: Emergency Generator Data
- Aug. 22, 2012: UNC-Chapel Hill statement for DWQ hearing
- Feb. 22, 2012: DWQ draft permit (with corrections)
- Feb. 22, 2012: DWQ draft permit site map
- Feb. 16, 2012: UNC-Chapel Hill response to DWQ draft permit
- Jan. 25, 2012: DWQ draft permit (original)
- Nov. 11, 2011: DWQ Permit Number WQ0023896 Major Modification
- Oct. 18, 2011: DENR clarification of Oct. 14 letter
- Oct. 14, 2011: DENR request for additional information
- Sept. 19, 2011: Stormwater Permit Approval
- Aug. 29, 2011: Stormwater Permit Application and Supporting Documentation
- Aug. 16, 2011: Wastewater Irrigation Systems Permit Modification Application and Supporting Documentation
- July 18, 2011: Erosion Control Permit Approval
- May 2011: Erosion Control Permit Application and Supporting Documentation
- Dec. 22, 2010: UNC-Chapel Hill revised description of proposed wastewater treatment system
- Dec. 22, 2010: UNC-Chapel Hill final project schedule
- Nov. 30, 2010: UNC-Chapel Hill description of proposed wastewater treatment system
- June 25, 2010: DENR approval of 401 Water Quality Certification
- June 2, 2010: DENR acknowledgment of receipt of UNC-Chapel Hill check for fine
- May 28, 2010: UNC-Chapel Hill response to DENR (third) Notice of Violation
- May 28, 2010: Wetland restoration plan, Impact A
- May 28, 2010: Map delineating wetlands on Bingham Facility site
- May 25, 2010: UNC-Chapel Hill response to DENR Civil Penalties Assessment
- May 14, 2010: DENR Civil Penalties Assessment for (first) Notice of Violation
- April 28, 2010: DENR (third) Notice of Violation
- March 30, 2010: Attachments to UNC-Chapel Hill response to DENR Request for Information
- March 30, 2010: UNC-Chapel Hill response to DENR Request for Information
- March 25, 2010: UNC-Chapel Hill report of chemical odor in septic tank
- March 24, 2010: UNC-Chapel Hill Response to DENR Request for Information
- March 23, 2010: UNC-Chapel Hill Response to DENR (second) Notice of Violation
- March 3, 2010: DENR (second) Notice of Violation
- Feb. 23, 2010: DENR Request for Information
- Feb. 22, 2010: DENR Pump and Haul Permit for UNC-Chapel Hill
- Feb. 19, 2010: UNC-Chapel Hill report of piping leak
- Feb. 17, 2010: UNC-Chapel Hill Pond Inspection
- Feb. 15, 2010: UNC-Chapel Hill Response to Notice of Intent
- Feb. 4, 2010: DENR Notice of Intent
- Feb. 2, 2010: DENR Revocation of Deemed Permit
- Jan. 20, 2010: DENR Pump and Haul
- Jan. 15, 2010: UNC-Chapel Hill Response to Notice of Violation
- Dec. 18, 2009: DENR (first) Notice of Violation
- Dec. 11, 2009: UNC-Chapel Hill report of pond leak
- Nov. 23, 2009: UNC-Chapel Hill report of pipe leak
- Oct. 26, 2009: UNC-Chapel Hill report of incinerator malfunction
- Aug. 10, 2013: Bingham: Wastewater treatment and irrigation system construction update
- Feb. 7, 2013: Documents posted on website (response to DWQ questions)
- Sept. 6, 2012: Update on recent activities (property purchase, amended EA)
- Oct. 24, 2011: Response to PRO questions
- Oct. 14, 2011: Notice to neighbors of community meeting
- Sept. 19, 2011: PRO items of interest
- Jan. 27, 2011: Response to PRO questions
- Jan. 27, 2011: Bingham meeting notes
- Dec. 23, 2010: Bingham Facility Update (correspondence with DENR)
- Dec. 3, 2010: Bingham Facility Update (correspondence on SUP, new wastewater treatment system)
- Sept. 15, 2010: Bingham Facility Update (revised plans after return of NIH grant)
- Aug. 2, 2010: Bingham Facility Update (return of NIH grant)
- June 3, 2010: Bingham Facility Update (forwarding 2 of 5 documents related to wetlands)
- June 2, 2010: Bingham Facility Update (forwarding 3 of 5 documents related to wetlands)
- May 25, 2010: Bingham Facility Update (forwarding NIH letters, response to DENR penalty)
- May 19, 2010: Bingham Facility Update (forwarding DENR notice of civil penalties)
- May 4, 2010: Bingham Facility Update (forwarding third DENR notice of violation)
- April 6, 2010: Bingham Facility Update (announcing NIH grant)
- April 1, 2010: Bingham Facility Update (forwarding response to DENR Request for Information)
- March 25, 2010: Bingham Facility Update (about chemical odor in septic tank)
- March 12, 2010: Bingham Facility Update (second DENR notice of violation)
- March 3, 2010: Response to PRO questions cover letter
- March 3, 2010: Response to PRO questions (attachment to above)
- Feb. 26, 2010: Bingham Facility Update (forwarding DENR request for our long term solution to problems)
- Feb. 19, 2010: Bingham Facility Update (attached letter about pipe leak)
- Feb. 17, 2010: Message from Chancellor Thorp (announcement about Lowman)
- Feb. 17, 2010: Bingham Facility Update (attached response to NOI, shutting down system, excess water in supply tank)
- Feb. 5, 2010: Bingham Facility Update (attached NOI)
- Feb. 3, 2010: Bingham Facility Update (attached revocation of deemed permit status)
- Jan. 29, 2010: Response to PRO proposal
- Jan. 29, 2010: Bingham Facility Update (air permit, meeting schedule)
- Jan. 21, 2010: Bingham Facility Update
- Jan. 20, 2010: Bingham Facility Update (receipt of proposal, decision to share DENR correspondence)
- Jan. 15, 2010: Bingham Facility Update (initial note to email list)
- Feb. 1, 2012: Orange County site plan approval
- Dec. 8, 2011: UNC-Chapel Hill submittal for site plan approval (application)
- Dec. 8, 2011: UNC-Chapel Hill submittal for site plan approval (maps)
- Nov. 16, 2010: Orange County Planning and Inspections Department decision on SUP requirement
- October 28, 2010: UNC-Chapel Hill response to April 9 letter from Orange County Planning and Inspections Department on SUP requirement
- May 28, 2010: UNC-Chapel Hill response to April 9 letter from Orange County Planning and Inspections Department
- April 9, 2010: Orange County Planning and Inspections Department letter
- April 7, 2010: UNC-Chapel Hill response to follow-up questions from Orange County Commission for the Environment after March 8 meeting
- Feb. 29, 2020: UNC-Chapel Hill Reports Minor Discharge of Partially Treated Wastewater at Bingham Facility
- Jan. 8, 2013: Get the facts about Bingham
- Sept. 5, 2012: Modified permit will make UNC-Chapel Hill’s Bingham Facility better, not bigger
- April 6, 2010: UNC-Chapel Hill awarded $14.5 million in stimulus funding to expand genetic research at Bingham Facility
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