Laboratory Inspection Program
EHS is required to inspect all laboratories at least annually. To maximize program effectiveness, EHS developed the Collaborative Laboratory Inspection Program (CLIP), which includes three types of inspections: key-indicator reviews, referral inspections, and announced inspections. EHS personnel perform the key-indicator reviews unannounced to get a snapshot of laboratory safety and compliance. As part of the EHS management system the findings from the key indicator reviews are analyzed to develop target priorities to further educate compliance to confirm and continually improve the UNC-Chapel Hill safety program. Referral inspections are used to follow-up on issues when key-indicator reviews identify significant non-compliance or unsafe and unhealthy conditions. EHS conducts announced inspections to “audit” specific items, such as inventories of radioactive materials.
EHS sends inspection reports to the Principal Investigator within two weeks of the laboratory inspection. Principal Investigators are to correct all non-compliant issues or unsafe or unhealthy conditions identified during the inspections in a timely manner.
Contact Information
Jonathan Moore, Associate Radiation Safety Officer
919-962-5713 (phone)
919-962-0227 (fax)
Laboratory Inspection Information
Self-Inspection Checklist
The items on this checklist are some of the most frequent causes of preventable laboratory accidents, and frequently cited by EHS during lab inspections. Contact EHS with any special concerns that arise from these self-audits, and repeat audits frequently in order to track whether your lab is making improvements.
Safety Inspection Checklist
The Safety Inspection Checklist is composed of key indicators of laboratory safety. Key indicators of the laboratory safety are based on regulations, standards, and policies & procedures.
Standard University Citations
A comprehensive list of Standard University Citations based on the key indicators can be downloaded from here.
Laboratory Safety Assessment Criteria
EHS gives an assessment grade based on the laboratory safety inspection results. EHS also gives laboratories authorized to use radioactive materials an assessment grade based on radiation safety inspection results. The assessment grades are Outstanding, Good, Fair, and Unacceptable. The assessment grade is calculated by the number of violations, the violation type, and/or if the violation was a repeat.
Assessment | Lab (Non-Radiation) | Lab With Radiation |
Outstanding | No citations | |
Good | 1 non-serious citation | 1 Rad Cite and/or < 5 Rad Noncite |
Fair | 1 or more documentation; 2 to 5 non-serious and/or 1 serious |
> 1 Rad Cite and/or 5 or > Rad Noncite |
Unacceptable | Any repeat citation; > 5 non-serious; > 2 serious, and/or any imminent danger |
Any repeat citation and/or 5 or > Rad Cite; Loss of radioactive material |