Disposal of Laboratory Materials Safety Labels
Containers of both hazardous and non-hazardous materials are to be labeled appropriately.
- Autoclaved Waste (5″ X 3.5″)
- Autoclaved wastes are to be placed in a 44-gal. or 32-gal. white Rubbermaid Brute container(s) (with a drum dolly), lined with plastic bags, and located in the vicinity of the autoclave. These containers are to be labeled “AUTOCLAVED / DECONTAMINATED WASTE ONLY.” Biohazard bags placed in the white Brute containers and marked with the heat sensitive tape will signal to Housekeeping that the waste can be removed from the building for disposal in the dumpster.
- Biohazardous Needles (5″ X 3.5″)
- Contaminated needles and syringes are to be placed directly into red plastic sharps containers available from Fisher Scientific, and autoclaved. To prevent needlestick injuries, needles are not to be recapped, purposely bent, broken, or otherwise manipulated by hand.
- Non-Hazardous Glass and Sharps (3.5″ X 5″)
- The broken glass box will be picked up by Housekeeping if it is sealed and identified with a label indicating: “CAUTION, GLASS AND SHARPS, NON-HAZARDOUS MATERIAL ONLY.”
- Non-Hazardous Needles and Sharps (3.5″ X 5″)
- White plastic sharps containers are recommended for accumulation and disposal of hypodermic syringes and needles and other metal sharps such as razor and scalpel blades. These are available from Fisher Scientific. These containers may be placed in the ordinary trash for disposal.
- Ordinary Trash Only (5″ X 3.5″)
- Waste containers must be labeled for the type of waste for which they are intended. Wastes are to be deposited in appropriately labeled receptacles. Trash placed in waste baskets is picked up by Housekeeping personnel, transferred to dumpsters and transported to the Orange County Regional Landfill for burial. Prohibited items include: batteries, liquids, radioactive materials, RCRA hazardous wastes, poisons, infectious materials and other items that would pose a threat to waste-handling personnel or the environment.
- Unwanted Material (2″ X 3″) | Unwanted Material (4″ X 4″)
- The principal investigator (faculty member in charge of laboratory) is responsible for identification and labeling of waste generated in his/her laboratory and for storing it safely until it is picked up by the Department of Environment, Health and Safety. Waste container is marked or labeled with the words “unwanted material” or other words giving clear chemical identification.