Department Responsibilities
Energy Services
Energy Services is responsible for planning, oversight, and management of campus stormwater system infrastructure, including all stormwater control measures (SCMs) and stormwater conveyances. Long-range planning is based on infrastructure condition assessments and an evaluation of system performance in terms of both flooding and regulatory requirements. It includes infrastructure mapping, GIS database management, system modeling, flood risk evaluation and planning and prioritizing repairs and retrofits. Energy Services oversees the stormwater system by maintaining and enforcing the Stormwater Design Guidelines for construction projects and providing technical assistance and information to consultants, contractors, and the campus community. Energy Services also manages the UNC-Chapel Hill Stormwater Utility.
Contact: Jamie Smedsmo
Environment, Health and Safety (EHS)
EHS is responsible for ensuring that the University meets local, state and federal requirements for stormwater permitting, stream buffer protection, and water quality protection. Under the Phase II NPDES Stormwater Management Plan, EHS has oversight and implementation responsibilities for illicit discharge detection and elimination, water quality sampling and analysis, education and outreach activities, erosion and sedimentation inspections, hazardous materials management and operation of a stormwater hotline and an emergency response team for hazardous material spill management. EHS is also responsible for permitting and enforcement Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements for all projects on University property.
Contact: Janet Clarke
Grounds Services
Grounds Services is responsible for cleaning and maintenance of stormwater inlets, catch basins, pipes and SCMs. Grounds has initiated a GIS-assisted Preventive Maintenance Work Order system that insures catch basins are cleaned at least once per year. Each month, a percentage of storm drains and SCMs are scheduled for inspection and are cleaned by Grounds maintenance crews. Deep catch basins are cleaned using a towable vacuum unit. Ground Services monitors the function of SCMs and coordinates their maintenance with Energy Services. Porous pavement parking lots and other types of paved surfaces are vacuumed regularly using the Grounds’ regenerative vacuum sweeper truck in order to prevent automobile related pollution and parking lot trash from entering campus streams.
Contact: Robert Bradley