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There are several ways that individuals and groups can become involved in the stormwater program at UNC-Chapel Hill.

Stream Clean-Ups

Campus stream clean-ups keep UNC-Chapel Hill’s creeks clean and free of trash. To schedule an event for your group, email or call 919-962-9752.

Storm Drain Marking

Storm drain marking helps create more awareness that stormwater flows directly to creeks without being treated beforehand. To schedule an event for your group, email or call 919-962-9752.

Stream Clean-Ups

Classwork and Research

If you are a faculty member or student whose research is related to stormwater, contact us to discuss collaboration! Some ways that we have collaborated in the past include:

  • Class projects – we have provided stormwater and ecological restoration-related projects for classes in the past, working with the instructor to meet their learning objectives while providing beneficial information for the stormwater program.  Examples include surveying stream geomorphology and assessing plant composition in stormwater control measures.
  • Individual projects – we have provided individual engineering projects to students in the Master of Science in Environmental Engineering program.  Examples include analyzing flood prevention strategies and design for converting a underground vault into a cistern.
  • Data for research – we have provided access to our physical and digital assets to assist faculty with related research. Examples include access to cisterns to take water samples and shared GIS data for analysis.

To initiate this type of collaboration, you can email the stormwater staff at

Cross Section


We sometimes offer stormwater-related internships through UNC-Chapel Hill’s EcoStudio.  See the EcoStudio website for more information.

Green Roofs Presentation