Stormwater Maintenance
Stormwater inspection and maintenance is performed by zone maintenance crews and a specialized stormwater crew in UNC-Chapel Hill’s Grounds Services Department.
Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs)
The stormwater crew inspects each SCM at least once per year. They also perform maintenance such as pumping sediment out of underground structures and repairing eroded areas in above-ground SCMs. Informal visual inspections are done by the zone maintenance crews as they perform their daily work.
Drainage Infrastructure
The stormwater crew inspects every stormwater structure (inlet, manhole, outfall) at least once per year. Zone maintenance crews keep the inlets clear of leaves and trash as part of their daily maintenance routines.
Street Sweeping
The stormwater crew cleans campus roads and parking lots with a regenerative vacuum sweeper truck. Street sweeping removes pollutants from land surfaces, preventing them from entering waterways in stormwater runoff. The most effective way to prevent pollution with street sweeping is to clean areas with large amounts of debris on a regular basis. The street sweeper at UNC-Chapel Hill is also used to maintain the porous pavement parking lots.