Morgan Creek Floodplain Restoration
The Morgan Creek floodplain restoration, completed in 2010, restored or preserved over 20 acres of floodplain wetland along 2,300 feet of Morgan Creek at the Mason Farm Biological Preserve. The project was constructed by NCDENR EEP (now NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services). A berm had been constructed along the southern bank of Morgan Creek some time prior to 1950 to prevent flooding in farm fields, effectively preventing flows less than the 10-year event from accessing the floodplain. The project breached the berm in five locations to allow overbank conveyance into the floodplain two to three times per year. The project restored flood hydrology through the berm openings, restored groundwater hydrology in floodplain wetlands and reestablished native bottomland forest vegetation in the floodplain. The restored wetlands reduce flooding downstream and improve water quality in Jordan Lake by reducing sediment and nutrient loads.