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Roger Sit What We Do: Radiation Safety

February 27, 2019

This profile of our Environment, Health and Safety radiation safety team is part of a fuller story from F&O's "On the Go" newsletter, February 2019.

Categories: Radiation Safety News, Staff News

OWASA Headquarters Temporary Change in OWASA’s Water Disinfection in March 2019

February 25, 2019

Starting in March, OWASA will temporarily use chlorine instead of chloramines to disinfect our drinking water.

Categories: Water Safety News

Lab Safety Winners January 2019 Laboratory Safety Winners

February 21, 2019

EHS appreciates the support for safe work environments on campus by the medal winners.

Categories: Laboratory Safety News

American Heart Month February is American Heart Month (

February 7, 2019

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Heart attacks, which are major contributors to heart disease, occur when a portion of the heart muscle does not receive adequate blood flow.

Categories: Health News

Lab Safety Winners December 2018 Laboratory Safety Winners

January 21, 2019

EHS appreciates the support for safe work environments on campus by the medal winners.

Categories: Laboratory Safety News