Employee Orientation
The Department of Environment, Health and Safety welcomes you to the University. This safety course is a requirement for all employees. Upon completion of the appropriate course, you will have an understanding of University safety policies and procedures. Use the information below to choose your appropriate course.
Office Environment Orientation
This orientation introduces the Department of Environment, Health and Safety, Workplace Safety, Workers’ Compensation, Fire Safety, and general office safety. Then this safety course focuses on UNC-Chapel Hill’s Ergonomics Program. Attendees learn to work in “neutral positions” and incorporate skills into their work habits which can prevent health problems associated with the office environment. Supervisors learn what to look for and how to correct workstations.
Laboratory Environment Orientation
This orientation is designed to satisfy the OSHA Laboratory Standard and EPA Hazardous Waste Management requirements by familiarizing recently hired laboratory personnel in general safety procedures for laboratories. The course covers chemical hazards and personal protective equipment to prevent exposures along with monitoring methods and medical surveillance. Building evacuation plans, fire prevention strategies and fire extinguisher use are also introduced in the session.
Clinic Environment Orientation
This orientation is designed to satisfy the JCAHO and OSHA requirements by familiarizing recently hired clinic employees, including physicians, nurses, nurse’s aids, and medical students in general safety procedures utilized in clinic settings. The topics cover include the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen and TB standards; universal precautions; personal protective equipment to prevent exposures. Monitoring methods and medical surveillance procedures are also reviewed. Building evacuation plans and fire prevention strategies are introduced in the session.
Industrial Maintenance and Construction (IMAC)/Support Services Orientation
This orientation is designed to satisfy State workplace safety requirements by introducing employees to OSHA regulations and UNC-Chapel Hill EHS policies. Attendees review physical and chemical hazards of their working environment and prevention strategies in discussion groups. Additional class exercises concentrate on reading MSDS, product labels, and the proper use of personal protective equipment. Medical surveillance, first aid procedures, fire prevention, evacuation procedures, and proper use of electrical equipment are outlined. Lastly proper lifting techniques are demonstrated and attendees practice the learned skills.
Division of Comparative Medicine Orientation
This orientation is designed to satisfy workplace safety requirements by introducing the Division of Comparative Medicine (DCM) employees to OSHA regulations, UNC-Chapel Hill EHS policies and general safety procedures. This orientation introduces the Department of Environment, Health and Safety, Workplace Safety, Workers’ Compensation, Fire Safety, and general laboratory safety. This course covers chemical hazards, hazard communication, proper use of personal protective equipment, building evacuation plans, first aid procedures, electrical safety, biohazardous waste management, fire prevention strategies and fire extinguisher use.
Student Support Services Orientation
This orientation introduces the Department of Environment Health and Safety, Workplace Safety, Workers’ Compensation, Fire Safety, and general office safety. Then this orientation course focuses on topics that UNC-Chapel Hill’s student workers may encounter while working with topics such as lifts, blood spills, and personal protective equipment (PPE). Attendees learn to work safely in their environment and how to act if an emergency occurs.