Pete Flannery
What is your position at UNC-Chapel Hill, and how long have you been associated with the University?
I have worked as a Fire Safety Professional with UNC since July of 2023, primarily managing the fire extinguisher program, but also responding to fire alarms, hazards, and other emergencies.
How did you initiate your career in this field or what led you to your current position?
I was a firefighter for 27 years prior to coming to UNC. This was a great opportunity to continue working in the profession I have enjoyed so much, while working in a new and exciting environment.
Which sectors of the University does your role impact, and in what ways does it contribute to those areas of work?
Fire Safety is my primary focus, and it impacts everyone here, every single day. There is not a building on this campus that I have not worked in to help with fire prevention, education, and response. It’s incredibly satisfying.
Describe what you love most about your job.
The vibe here at UNC is so energetic. I spend my entire day in different areas of campus, interacting with such a diverse and exciting group of students, staff, faculty, and visitors. It has been so interesting to me to interact with all these great people and learn about their journeys as well.
What advice do you have for those interested in entering a career in your line of work?
There is an inherent element in this career that guides everything you will do, and that is always to remember that you are here to serve. If every decision you make or action you take properly answers the question “Is this the right thing to do for the people I protect?”, then you will succeed in this profession.