In September 2022, the University performed lead testing in Wilson Library. Following tests that found detectable levels of lead, one additional drinking fountain and 14 sinks were removed from service in Wilson Library. The lead in the water is likely due to the components in the fountains and sinks. Other drinking fountains in the building were tested by EHS, showed no detectable levels of lead and remain in operation.
Environment, Health and Safety is prioritizing testing fixtures that have similar components to those that have tested positive for lead or are of a similar age. When we test a fixture, we remove it from service until the results of the test come back. If there is any level of lead detected, the fixture is removed from service completely and the process to replace that water source begins.
Below is a list of the buildings that have fixtures that have detectable amounts of lead.
Building Notifications
- Fordham Hall (09/19/22)
- Hamilton Hall (09/19/22)
- Manning Hall (09/19/22)
- Phillips Hall (09/19/22)
- South Building (09/19/22)
- Wilson Library (09/09/22)
- Wilson Library (08/30/22)
General questions about the ongoing investigation can be directed to Environment, Health and Safety at 919-962-5507.
If you are an employee and have further health-related concerns, please contact the University Employee Occupational Health Clinic at 919-966-9119.
If you are a student and have concerns, please contact Campus Health at 919-966-2281.
If you are a visitor or community member and have concerns, please contact your health care provider.
Other Resources
- Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA) Water and Health webpage
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Lead in Drinking Water website
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Basic Information About Lead in Drinking Water website