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Register your Recombinant DNA Experiments NIH Requirements for Registration of Recombinant DNA Experiments

July 6, 2018

The intent of this communication is to remind all researchers on campus working with recombinant DNA (rDNA) or synthetic nucleic acids of the requirements by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and UNC policy to register their research with the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC).

Categories: Research Safety News

Lab Safety Winners June 2018 Laboratory Safety Winners

July 6, 2018

EHS appreciates the support for safe work environments on campus by the medal winners.

Categories: Laboratory Safety News

Ebola Ebola Outbreak Update: Democratic Republic of the Congo

July 2, 2018

There has been significant progress in containing the EVD outbreak in Democratic Republic of the Congo. However, the outbreak is not yet over.

Categories: Ebola Preparedness News, Infectious Diseases News

OWASA Headquarters OWASA Distributes 2017 Annual Water Quality Report Card

June 27, 2018

OWASA continued to meet or surpass all Federal and State standards for drinking water quality in 2017.

Categories: Water Safety News

Buckle Up Every Ride National Safety Month 2018: Driving

June 25, 2018

We all believe ourselves to be safe drivers, yet up to 94 percent of motor vehicle crashes involve human error. Follow these tips to help stay safe on the roads.

Categories: Safety Awareness News