The Clinic is open from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., Monday – Friday (except for University holidays).
The University Employee Occupational Health Clinic (UEOHC) is located at
145 North Medical Drive. North Medical Drive is a road off South Columbia Street and can be reached by a
Chapel Hill Transit bus.
Detailed Directions
The following videos provide detailed instructions on how to find the UEOHC once you arrive at North Medical Drive. Please use the map above or a complete campus map to find North Medical Drive.
Standard Entrance
This video provides directions to the standard entrance of the UEOHC. If you have a disability (e.g. you are on crutches), view the video below for the handicapped accessible entrance.
Handicapped Accessible Entrance
This video provides directions to the handicapped accessible entrance of the University Employee Occupational Health Clinic.
Employees requiring medical surveillance appointments should go to the
UEOHC Appointment System to schedule an appointment. If you are not flagged in the medical surveillance program, please complete the
Request for Services form and fax to Environment, Health and Safety at 919-962-0227. Employees requiring appointments for health concerns related to the indoor environment should call the UEOHC at 919-966-9119 to schedule an appointment. Treatment of work-related injuries and illnesses does not require an appointment. The affected employee’s supervisor should call the Clinic to advise that an injured employee is in route and to provide a brief description of the nature of the injury. Employees with life-threatening illnesses or injuries should go directly to the
Emergency Department located in the Neurosciences Hospital on Manning Drive.
For after-hours needlestick/human blood or body fluid exposures, please call the UEOHC at 919-966-9119. The UEOHC line will automatically forward your call to Healthlink in order to gather the appropriate information and put you in contact with the Family Practice physician covering the needlestick hotline.
For all other after-hour work related injuries that requires immediate medical care, go directly to the UNC-Chapel Hill Emergency Department. If immediate medical care is not needed, then please report to the UEOHC the following day.
Remember, for a life-threatening injury or illness, go directly to the Emergency Department located in the Neurosciences Hospital on Manning Drive.
Special arrangements have been made for treatment of work-related injuries and illnesses for most work-sites remote from the Chapel Hill area. Check with your Human Resources Facilitator or contact the Workers’ Compensation Manager, 919-962-5710, if you have not been informed of those arrangements.