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Controlled substances require approval by Environment, Health and Safety prior to purchase or acquisition. Please call 919-962-5507 to request approval.

Controlled SubstancesControlled substances are any drugs or chemical substances whose possession and use are regulated under the United States Controlled Substances Act (CSA), or the North Carolina Controlled Substances Act. These substances have stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogenic effects on the higher functions of the central nervous system, and tend to promote abuse or physiological/psychological dependence.

There are five schedules of controlled substances regulated under the United States CSA. Schedule I substances have the most restrictions and Schedule V substances have the least. View an alphabetical list of the drugs and substances currently regulated by the CSA and their corresponding schedule.

Only personnel registered with the appropriate state and federal licenses can order controlled substances. Contact your department administrator to determine licensing and ordering requirements within your department. The registrant is then responsible for managing the controlled substances in accordance with all regulatory requirements including security, inventory, disposal, and recordkeeping. In addition, the use of controlled substances in your lab must be indicated in the Hazardous Chemicals and Equipment-Schedule B section of your laboratory safety plan.

Reference Chapter 9 of the Laboratory Safety Manual for more information on controlled substances. If you have questions regarding controlled substances please contact Chemical Safety.

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