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Smoking has been banned inside University buildings and facilities for years. Vaping is also banned due to the indoor quality concern and the potential for triggering fire alarms. Smoking in state-owned vehicles is also prohibited. This policy affects employees, students, visitors and patients of the University community.

A list of frequently asked questions is provided below. Please send additional questions to

Where is the no smoking zone on campus located?
View or print a map of the affected area.
I would like to quit smoking. What do I do?
Call the North Carolina Quitline 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) and register for free counseling. The NC Quitline will provide you with some coaching sessions, help you develop a plan to quit, provide you with reading materials, and be available for counseling.
Does UNC Health Offer any outpatient clinics regarding nicotine dependence?
The University’s Family Medicine Center will offer a tobacco cessation clinic on Thursday mornings. For appointments, please call 919-966-0211. For more information about the nicotine dependence program, contact the program manager at 919-843-1521 or
I would like to attend the American Cancer Society’s Freshstart Program. Who do I call?
The American Cancer Society’s Freshstart Program is a four-week course on campus available through Human Resources.
What other smoking cessation resources are available?
Internet Resources For Smoking Cessation:

Telephone Resources For Smoking Cessation:

  • 1-800-QUIT-NOW: North Carolina tobacco use quit line. Offered in Spanish and English. Materials can be sent to your home.
  • 1-800-LUNG-USA: A telephone smoking program guided by the American Lung Association.
  • 1-800-ACS-2345: American Cancer Society’s 24-hr/day line.
  • 1-866-66START: Quitline for pregnant smokers.
  • 1-800-4CANCER: National Cancer Institute
Will I gain weight if I quit smoking?
Modest weight gain is normal after quitting smoking. Studies have shown that the average weight gain among those who have quit is only five pounds. This weight gain poses a minimal health risk. The health benefits of smoking cessation substantially exceed any risks from weight gain. Also, the risk of a large weight gain is very low. Six months after quitting, most people have lost at least some of the weight they gained. However, a smoking cessation program and counseling should consider weight gain concerns that an individual may have. It is important to eat a healthy diet and stay active.
How is the policy enforced?
The University’s No Smoking Policy includes various means of enforcement. UNC Police can issue citations to people who violate the no smoking policy. Anyone who smokes within any smoke-free area on campus is at risk to receive a citation. Each citation will result in a $25 fine and $143 in court costs.

Kenan Woods
This prohibition, based on section 310.8 of the State Fire Code, is separate from the University’s statutory authority to ban smoking in outdoor areas controlled by the University within 100 feet of University facilities.

People who violate the smoking ban in and around Kenan Woods will be asked by the University’s police officers to stop smoking. Anyone who refuses to comply or has been warned previously will be issued a warning letter followed by a civil summons from the Office of State Fire Marshal. As with other violations of the no smoking policy, each citation received as a result of smoking in and around Kenan Woods will result in a $25 fine and $143 in court costs.

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