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Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is a safety tool which can be used by University supervisors and employees to increase the knowledge of hazards in the workplace at their specific work unit that poses a risk of causing injuries and accidents. There are numerous benefits in developing and implementing JSAs including improving knowledge of hazards among University supervisors and employees, and the prevention of accidents and injuries.

A blank JSA template and JSAs that have been developed at UNC-Chapel Hill for specific departments are available. You can use any of the JSAs as a reference to help develop one specific for a job or work task performed at your specific work unit.

If you have any questions in regards to Job Safety Analysis, please call Environment, Health and Safety at 919-962-5507.

JSA Library

Additional Resources

In addition to this JSA library, the following references provide information about JSAs, the development of JSAs and examples that may be used.

Associated Departments: